Monday, June 26, 2006

Finding Role Models

Hello, today on Building Self Confidence I would like to talk about the importance of role models.

One way to build self confidence in yourself is to analyse people you know, who are themselves self confident. When you do this correctly you will find that over time their characteristics will rub off on you. If you think about it, it's a bit like the master/apprentice relationship. You learn by watching and then doing. As an apprentice, you are targeting the qualities of confidence exhibited in other people to improve your confidence in the areas in which you consider them to be masters. There might well be situations where you are more confident than them but by carefully selecting situations where they show more confidence you can learn a lot of useful techniques.

For a given situation in which you are not so confident, you should try and analyse how the person you are using as a role model handles it. For example, what posture to they take; what of their voice tonality and their facial expressions; how are they dressed; and what gestures are they using?

Write the information down (very important) and try to use some of these qualities the next time you are in a similar situation. Try not to avoid the situations you don't like with excuses. Someone once said that excuses are guarded lies. They are only usually made to make life easier on yourself and will not help you on your path to building self confidence.

Go find that role model!


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